commercial property insurance

commercial property insurance

February 6, 2023

Are You Covered? Liability Insurance Options for Business Owners

You’ve spent years working to make your business a reality. Finally, after all your hard work, you’re making money. Then—disaster! A customer slips and falls in your office and sues you, one of your employees is injured on the job, or a computer with sensitive client information is stolen! Most if not all businesses need […]
April 25, 2022

3 Factors Raising Your Commercial Property Insurance Rates

There have been plenty of headlines lately about Florida’s skyrocketing homeowners insurance prices. Unfortunately, we’re also beginning to see rising commercial property insurance premiums as well. Some of the same troubling trends plaguing homeowners insurance are also driving up the cost of commercial property insurance. Troubling trends in commercial property insurance As a business owner, […]
December 7, 2020

Does Your Small Business Need Commercial Property Insurance?

As a business owner, you face many financial risks. For example, if your office or workspace is damaged or destroyed, not only have you lost your assets; you may have also lost your ability to do business at all. Even if you don’t own your own building, if your business has physical assets, you need […]

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